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Mobile Phone Information
Brand: Samsung
Model: Galaxy Note 4
Model Number: SM-N910T
Operating System: Android 6.0.1

Application Information
Manufacturer: Synology Inc.
Application Name: DS File
Application Version: 4.12.0-381

NAS Information
Brand: Synology
Model: DS215j
DSM Version: DSM 6.2.2-24922 Update 4

Forensic Imaging: Magnet AXIOM Process v3.5.1.15498
Forensic Analysis: Magnet AXIOM Examine v3.5.1.15498
SQLite Viewer: DB Browser for SQLite (MacOS) Version 3.11.2
Cache and XML Viewer: Atom (MacOS) 1.41.0 x64

Sample Data and Script Download Link


DS File app for Android is used to manage, upload, download, and share files between the NAS and the Android device. This app requires that you have a Synology NAS running DSM 6.2 or higher.

The DS File app leaves a lot of useful artifacts on an Android device. Articles such as databases, cache files, and XML files all contain valuable information.


Before we start analyzing the data acquired, we first have to review the steps taken to stage the device. Below were the steps taken to stage the Android device.

1.     Downloaded and Installed DS File app from Play Store (link at the top)
2.     Logged in with the below information
a.      Address:
b.     Account: NAS_User
c.      HTTPS: Disabled
d.     Remember me: Enabled

e.      Clicking on the gear at the bottom left will provide more settings
                                               i.     Remember IP address and account: Enabled
                                              ii.     Verify certificate: Disabled

3.     After logging in, you will see your list of shared folders

4.     Navigated to Data/MyTempFolder/MyFiles, selected Synology_Security_Whitepaper.pdf file, then selected PIN. This option will download the file to /media/0/DSfile/PinFiles.

5.     Selected MyTempFolder under Data, marked as a Favorite. This option will add the folder under the My Favorites tab.
6.     Opened Synology_QuickConnect_White_Paper.pdf located in Data/MyTempFolder/MyFiles.

7.     Emailed Syno_UsersGuide_NASServer_enu.pdf located in Data/MyTempFolder/MyFiles.

8.     Shared NAS_Username_Password.docx located in Data/MyTempFolder/MyFiles.

9.     Downloaded Synology_NAS_Photo.pdf and QSAN_NAS_Photo.jpg located in Data/MyTempFolder/MyFiles. This will download the file to /media/0/DSfile.

10.   Uploaded 20191111_204919.jpg located in /DCIM/Camera to Data/MyTempFolder/Uploaded Pictures.

Knowing what we’ve done on the device will help in the analysis of this application. Now that the device is pre-staged, we’ll use Magnet AXIOM Process to acquire a physical image, then use Magnet AXIOM Examine to extract important artifacts. Now it’s time for analysis!


Sample data can be downloaded using the link located at the top of the page.

DS File APK: SampleData\app\com.synology.DSfile-1\base.apk
This APK is the version that was installed on the android device.

Database File: SampleData\data\com.synology.DSfile\databases\_download
Table: _download
This database and table contain all files that were downloaded from the NAS using the app. The Synology_Security_Whitepaper.pdf file that was pinned is on the list (filename field) along with Synology_NAS_Photo.jpg and QSAN_NAS_Photo.jpg that were downloaded. The URL field provides a URL that provides details such as the NAS address, the path to the files, and where the file was saved to. This database also provides the download path of where the files were saved to (download_path field) and the status of whether the download was completed (status field).

Decoding the URLs using makes it a little easier to see what’s going on. Below is an example.

Encoded URL

Decoded URL

Parsed URL
NAS Address:
NAS Port: 5000
Path to File: /Data/MyTempFolder/MyFiles/Synology_Security_Whitepaper.pdf
Path to Save Location: /storage/emulated/0/DSfile/PinFiles/1879318240.Synology_Security_Whitepaper.pdf

Database File: SampleData\data\com.synology.DSfile\databases\dsfile.db
Table: pinFiles_table
This database and table contain all files that were pinned using the app. This information is redundant and is the same information contained in the previous database (_download) but includes one additional information, last updated timestamp. This timestamp is in epoch time and can be converted to human readable date/time using or any other epoch time converters.

Epoch time conversion:

Database File: SampleData\data\com.synology.DSfile\databases\dsfile.db
Table: taskList_table
This database and table contain files that were pinned (PIN), downloaded (GET), and uploaded (PUT). This information is also redundant but provides details on whether the file was pinned, downloaded, or uploaded.

XML File: SampleData\data\com.synology.DSfile\shared_prefs\auto_login.pref.xml
This file contains the below important information.
auto_login: This field contains the status of auto login (true for enabled, false for disabled).
auto_login_address: This field contains the NAS server address.
auto_login_account: This field contains the account used to login to NAS server.

XML File: SampleData\data\com.synology.DSfile\shared_prefs\
This file contains the below important information.

time_active: Time app has been active in seconds.
has_been_opened: If application has been opened.
first_open_time: The first-time application was opened in epoch time.
app_install_time: The time application was installed in epoch time.
last_upload_attempt: Status of last upload attempt (0 for success).
last_upload: The last time an upload was made in epoch time.

XML File: SampleData\data\com.synology.DSfile\shared_prefs\com.synology.DSfile_preferences.xml
This file contains the below important information.

verify_cert_fingerprint: This field contains the status whether a certificate must be verified on logon (true for enabled, false for disabled).
auto_login: This field contains if auto login feature is active (true for enabled, false for disabled).

XML File: SampleData\data\com.synology.DSfile\shared_prefs\connection_manager.xml
This file contains the below important information.
userInput: This field contains the NAS server path.
account: This field contains the account used to logon.
Password: This field contains the encrypted password used to logon.
url: This field contains the NAS server path including the port.
isHttps: This field contains if HTTPS is active (true for enabled, false for disabled).

XML File: SampleData\data\com.synology.DSfile\shared_prefs\DSFILE_PREFERENCE.xml
LOCAL_PATH: This field contains the default path files get saved to when downloaded.
LAST_FOLDER: This field contains the last local folder the app accessed.
last_addr: This field contains the last server address the app connected to.

Cache Files: SampleData\data\com.synology.DSfile\files\cache

The cache files directory contains cache files in JSON format. Use the parse_cache_files.ps1 PowerShell script to parse the cache files and export them to easy to read CSV files. The SampleCSVs folder contains the output of the cache files in this sample. Fields that contain timestamps (epoch time) are converted to Eastern Standard Time and fields that contain size in bytes are converted to KB, MB, GB, TB, or PB.

The script and sample CSV files can be downloaded using the link located at the top of the page. Below are instructions for using the script. Below are instructions for using the script.

1.     Open PowerShell as an Administrator
2.     Type the path of the parse_cache_files.ps1 file and press enter. If you get an error stating that “parse_cache_files.ps1 cannot be loaded because the execution of scripts is disabled on this system”, then you must run “Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned” first. After running the script, you will be prompted with the below message box. Click Ok.

3.     Select the cache files you want to parse. Keep in mind that the script will only look for “.cache” extensions. You can select multiple cache files. After selecting the cache files you want to parse, click Open.

4.     Next you will be prompted with a message box stating to select the folder where you want to save the parsed CSV files. Click OK.

5.     Select a folder to save the parsed CSV files.

6.     Navigate to the folder you selected. The parsed CSV files will contain the name of the cache file including the extension.

Below are the outputs for the sample cache files.

File: 6cb222e67c27fd2a7bd632f78c884233.cache
Description: This cache file contains any file that was downloaded/emailed/shared.
Original Content
Parsed Content
File: 76265c2c38822202ef4edbac948a5eed.cache
Description: This cache file contains favorite folders.
Original Content
Parsed Content
File: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e.cache
Description: This cache file contains Shared Folder permissions.
Original Content

Parsed Content

File: ddcf4667fc9e8912cff15a62ba0d351c.cache
Description: This cache file contains uploaded files.
Original Content

Parsed Content

File: f76c709095e91294161cdec441d833e2.cache
Description: This cache file contains all files and folders at the root of the Shared Folder.
Original Content

Parsed Content

File: fbf012134b179ce288c49efc5212c59d.cache
Description: This cache file contains folders that have had a download/upload activity.
Original Content

Parsed Content

DS File is a very popular NAS app for Android that creates various artifacts that can determine the NAS it connected to, the content on the NAS, and what actions were performed (download, upload, etc). I hope this analysis, along with the script and sample data, can benefit the mobile forensics community!
